Do your gums often get red, swollen, and tender or do they bleed easily? Have your gums pulled away from your teeth at all? Are your teeth loose or separating? Do you suffer from chronic bad breath (halitosis) or a bad taste in your mouth? Have you experienced any changes in your bite?
If your answer was yes to any of these questions you may have gum disease, also known as periodontal disease.
Gum disease is essentially an infection of the teeth’s supporting tissues. Gum disease targets the area just below the gum line, where it can break down the attachment between the tooth and its supporting tissues. As the tissues are damaged, pockets are created where bacteria can thrive and impact your oral health.
Did you know it’s possible to have gum disease without any symptoms or warning signs? Gum disease has two main stages known as gingivitis and periodontitis. Gingivitis is the less severe and reversible form of gum disease, which affects the gums only. If Gingivitis is neither identified nor reversed it will likely lead to periodontitis, a more severe form of gum disease which in turn affects your overall health.
The dental experts at Atlantis Dental assess the health of your teeth and gums at every appointment, checking for the signs of gum disease and performing professional cleaning to ensure that pockets of bacteria and plaque don’t build up in your mouth. Your hygiene professional will provide personalized guidance on how often you should visit to prevent gum disease or what is required to get rid of active infection. They will also instruct you on how best to care for your teeth between visits.
Contact Atlantis Dental to book your preventative dentistry appointment today, and we will work with you to ensure that your smile is healthy and your energy levels high to support your active lifestyle.